Walter Davis
2157 Mocksville Hwy
Statesville, N.C. 28625
Phone: 704-657-7785
Email: info@email.com

Equipment & Services 3D Environmental Investigations Offers

Scope of work:



What we really do.

We install one inch, two inch and 4 inch wells

Remediation wells

Injection wells

Retro fit existing wells

Soil borings and water sampling, we also have peristaltic pumping capabilities

Vapor Extraction wells, Spurge wells, well abandonments

Trust fund work, State lead work

Site checks for land sales, gas stations


Decontamination pits, 7 step decontamination process

Direct push well, or direct push soil sampling

Conduct drilling associated with environmental due diligence assessments for real estate transactions

Whatever your project may need we are here to make your company look professional at your site.

Give us a chance to bid your work today!

Remember safety is our #1 goal at 3D environmental investigations.




3D Environmental Investigations currently owns and operates a geoprobe drilling machine. After a number of years in running these types of drills we feel they are the most appropriate and versatile working machine for the environmental drilling. This machine is a track mounted rig that is not too big or small for any job that you may have we feel it is the very best for most any application. This rig operates off of hydraulic power system driven by a 3 cylinder Kubota

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About Us

3D Environmental Investigations was founded in June of 2010 the owner Walter Davis had previously worked for another Environmental company from 1999- May of 2010 (SEI). And took part in operating one of the first track mounted Geoprobe’s in the state of North Carolina.

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3D Environmental
Investigation LLC.

Is A Fully
Insured Company

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To those folks whom pushed and prompted me to step out with my own operation and that gave us that fighting chance, you deserve all the credit in the world had it not been for you 3D Environmental Investigations would not have existed. Very big thank you to all of you and without saying you know who you are!